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10 % off specified dates

Rumba Resort

Five-star luxury across from the beach. 10% off all room types 5/3/24 to 8/3/24 inclusive. Direct website bookings only. N/A with any other offer. Use promo code AATSUMMIT24 when booking.

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Special Deal

Breakfree Grand Pacific Resort

One, two and three-bedroom garden and water view apartments. Grand pool, grand location, grand views. Click below to get special offer.

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10% off

Monaco Apartments

Ring 07 5490 5490 to book and save 10% on one of these 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments. Let the salesperson know you are attending the Art of Attraction Summit to secure your special deal.

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Credit: Tourism and Events Queensland

“I was blown away at the amount of helpful information on offer and the quality and variety of the speakers. I left feeling full of endless ideas, opportunities and possibilities.”

Robyn Dower,

Professional Creative,

Robyn Dower Designs


Ph: 1300 88 22 59

© 2023 Awards Absolute Pty Ltd

About Art of Attraction:

The only conference in the country dedicated to helping Australia’s 11,000+ regional towns and cities by focussing on two key visitor segments: art-loving tourists and mature-age travellers.


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